Saturday, November 8, 2008


  • Today is the Thirty Second Sunday of the Year. We keep the Feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran.
  • On 14th November we keep Children’s Day. We pray for all children, especially for those in our families whom we love dearly and for those who face a difficult childhood due to unfortunate circumstances.
  • We are looking forward to the annual official visit of Fr. Michael Fernandes – the Provincial of the Salesian province of Mumbai to our parish. He will be with us on the 16th and 17th November. On Sunday 16th evening he will meet the Sunday school children at 5 pm and then the Parish Council at 5:30 pm. He will then celebrate the Sunday evening eucharist at 6:30 pm.
  • We resume our scripture class on St. Paul on Monday 10th November at 7:30 pm. It will last half an hour.
  • Regular catechism class will resume from this Sunday - 9th November. As mentioned earlier next Sunday the children will have a special meeting with Fr. Provincial who will be in the parish for his annual official visit.
  • Area leaders will be collecting a contribution of Rs. 50/- from each family towards the Cemetery Fund. Your cooperation is enlisted for a speedy collection of this fund.
  • Practices for the Christmas choir will begin soon. The first meeting of those interested and those who have already given their names will be held this Sunday 9th November soon after the evening mass.

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