Sunday, February 22, 2009


  • Today is the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time.
  • Catechism classes are held at 5 pm every Sunday. Parents please ensure that your children attend. This Sunday 22 February at 10 am there will be a meeting of parents whose children are due to receive their First Holy Communion in April this year.
  • On 25 February we begin our Lenten season with Ash Wednesday. Masses in the parish will be at 7 am and 7 pm. The blessing and imposition of ashes will be done at both masses. Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence.
  • On Friday 27 February there will be the Way of the Cross at 6:30 pm followed by mass.
  • All those interested in joining the choir for Easter are requested to give their names to Fr. Vinod or Fr. Matthew as soon as possible. The practices will begin from 1 March.
  • We have begun collecting Church support through volunteers who sit outside the parish office after the Saturday evening mass and the Sunday evening mass. Please collect your cards after the mass

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