Tuesday, May 12, 2009


  • Today is the Fifth Sunday of Easter. On Wednesday 13 May we keep the Feast of St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello – the co-foundress of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. We assure the Salesian sisters of Maria Vihar and Sacred Heart Training Center of our prayers for their congregation and its mission to the young in the world. On 15 May we begin the novena in preparation for the Feast of Mary Help of Christians.
  • May is a month of special devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary. This year we will recite the rosary at our grotto every evening at 6:45 pm. We can show our love for Mary by joining this devotion in greater numbers and also attending daily evening mass during the holiday season. For those who cannot attend the grotto rosary it will be nice to recite the rosary in our families.
  • The Easter blessing of homes in the parish has been concluded in all the zones of the parish. Those who were not at home on the scheduled days can set up a day for the blessing with Fr. Matthew.
  • On Tuesday 12 May we celebrate the birthday of Fr. Diego Nunes, our assistant parish priest and Principal of Don Bosco School. We implore God’s choicest blessings on him and his mission as an educator. We ask the Lord to grant him good health and serenity. We thank him for the pastoral services he renders in our parish.
  • On Sunday 24 May there will be the First Religious Commitment of 8 novices of the “Daughters of Mary Help of Christians” from SHTC and 13 novices of the “Salesians of Don Boscofrom STI. Hence, please note that there will be no morning mass on Sunday 24th May. All of you are invited to the Sunday evening Eucharist at 6:30 pm here in our church.
  • Please assist the collection of monthly Church support done through volunteers who sit outside the parish office after the Saturday evening mass and the Sunday evening mass.

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